The members meet regularly for network meetings / work meetings, where the focus is on joint conceptual work, mutual support and the exchange of experience. Ideas and strategies for implementing sustainably effective health management are discussed and worked on. The network meetings take place two to three times a year, hosted alternately by the members’ universities.

Network Conferences

Since 2014, the Network of Health Promoting Universities Austria has organized its own conferences and has also actively participates in conferences.

Overview of own conferences

2014 | fit4excellence at the Medical University of Graz

2016 | Catch me if you can at the FH Campus Wien

2018 | visions … 3-countries-conference of the D_A_CH networks health promoting universities at the Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt

2022 | tune your actions: NOW! at the BOKU Vienna

Participation in conferences and events

2019 | Rostock / Germany

2018 | Salzburg / Austria, Pasig

2015 | Kelowna / Canada, University of British Columbia

International & national engagement 

Co-authored and signed the Okanagan Charter of Health Promoting Universities and Colleges.

As part of the International Conference on Health Promoting Universities and Colleges / VII. International Congress 2015 at the University of British Columbia in Kelowna, the university-specific charter is signed in a ceremony.

Introduction of the Okanagan Charter in the German-speaking countries.

As part of the 3-country conference ‘visions …’ 2018, the D_A_CH Networks Health Promoting Universities introduce the Okanagan Charter to the German-speaking region.

Member of the ÖPGK-Community (Austrian Platform for Health Literacy).